Tuesday, October 31, 2006

We got a flat!!

So the job has been going good. There's some nice down time each shift, although it can get very busy. Everyone is really nice, funny too. I love the Scottish sense of humour, although sometimes they can make even me blush!! I've started pushing the trolleys by myself and I'm getting lots of hours which is good because we finally found a flat!!!

From the outside, I will admit that this place looks like the ghetto or something and we were tempting to turn around and run. Once we got inside though the difference was amazing. Here's why: It used to be government housing but now the government is selling the flats individually so really no one owns the building, which is why it doesn't look very nice from the outside. And because the flats are owned and most aren't rented out but families live there, they take good care of them. It's quite a site. Cold gray cement walls with a white door, recently painted with matching brass numbers and knocker. They are still doing work on the flat, painting, carpeting and such but we are hoping to move in by this weekend. The landlord is really nice, and after I explained that I was still paying off my student loan he took £50 off of the rent (nice!!). It's actually going to be less than what we had planned on spending so it works out nicely, and it is only 15 minute bus ride into the city centre and while one stop is right off of our street, there are a bunch more 10 minutes away at the shopping centre. My only hope is that the walls aren't so thin that I can hear Cheryl's snoring through 2 walls and the bathroom. (I'm not holding my breath though). haha.

Oh what a night!!

So the other day a few guys and I went out for a drink after a wasted day of train evacuation training. When the conversation got to the fact that I hadn't had a proper night on the town the guys offered to take me around town. One of the guys kept insisiting on a club called Ego, telling us how fantastic it was. After hopping around a few more pubs in Old Town, I went home to change, picked up a few straglers and met up with him. After we went to a few duds (because he forgot his ID and we couldn't get in anywhere), we headed for Ego. When we got in it seemed normal enough, being halloween weekend it seemed normal enough with people all dressed up in weird costumes. Pretty quickly though, the 2 other girls I dragged along and I realized that something just wasn't right about this club. Finally the coffin was sealed when one of our other co-workers showed up, a very nice man who happens to be gay. This guy had taken us out to a gay bar!!! We stayed for a polite amount of time and then when he went to the bathroom we hurried out the door. Now it wasn't an entirely gay bar, but the only guys there who weren't were there with girlfriends. Not that there is anything wrong with a gay bar, it's just not what I'm looking for in a bar.

This isn't where the story ends.
As we were heading home on the bus later that evening, guess who gets on the bus??? Our supposed night club tour guide who took us to a gay bar. Luckily he wasn't mad that we left (we do have to work with him and all) I made up some lame excuse for us leaving, and then he told us that it was good we did because the club caught fire and it had to be evacuated. Good times.
Story still isn't over.
So a few days later at work I was talking to one of the other guys who had come to the pub with us and he told me that my gay club tour guide has a big crush on me!!! (At this point I was shocked as I was positive he was gay himself) I guess that kinda in some weird way explains why he would take us to a gay bar...no competition. Hahaha.
Needless to say, I think I'm staying away from anymore after hours socializing with co-workers.

For now at least.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Actually, just me...on a train. Or so our training videos have taught me.

So this week we began our training for Customer Service Attendants. I got my snazy (is there one or two z's in snazy?) uniform. It looks great. The first day I got it I put it on and modeled it for everyone in the hostel. It's really brought us all closer together. Oh what laughter (and by that I mean everyone laughing at me), can do. Maybe when I can finally post a picture of me in it on the internet people around the world will laugh so hard that world peace will be achieved.
...Yes it's THAT funny. What's funnier is that Cheryl hasn't gotten her's yet and she's had to hand wash her pants because she has to dress 'smart' everyday. (Not funny ha ha, but funny, haaa).

Back to the training videos. So in the first hour and a half of training we learned all of the ways that we can die, AND THEN how to watch out for terrorists. When they turned back on the lights everyone's faces we white and a few people ran for the door. (FYI terrorist are male, scraggly looking, young, darker hair...or bald!! Be on the lookout).

We went on a train to Barracks, which is the border city from England to Scotland. The train station was pretty, but that's all we saw of it. It's pretty hard to walk on the train, but Paul, who's training us said that it's best to walk with our legs spread out, which looks funny but makes it easier, especially in the heals we have to wear.

If you want to see what I have to wear, by the way, my friend just sent me a link to an employees blog, with pictures too. It's kinda funny...

**Due to official regulations the link to a picture of my uniform had to be removed, sorry for an incovience** (seriously!!!)

Well that's about all I have to say about that for now, we went flat hunting today but it's turning out to be harder than we thought.

Oh and back to my opening line...seems as though you're all going to die in NA because North Korea is going to Nuke the states. Glad I'm over here.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It's been a while...

So this has been a crazy last week. It started off that I was really busy and ended up with what I like to call the Plaguette. I'll try to remember everything but I have my doubts as I still have some of the plaguette in me.

So last Wednesday was my day of discovery, I tried some new things including Haggis, which by the way is amazing, then some Scottish beer. In the morning before the beer and haggis, we saw some girls wander down a path and decided to go up it to see what was there. This is Calton Hill for anyone who knows the area. At the top of the hill is a pillar structure that was started as a copy of the ones in Athens but never got finished. There is also a big tower which may be called the Russel Tower but don't quote me on it. The scenery from the hill is great. That's one of the great things about Edinburgh, if your willing to take the time, you can have a free and quite magnificent view of the city.
For dinner we went to Deacon Brodies Tavern, which is named after the man who allegedly is the inspiration for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. That's quite an interesting story. But one to save for another day. We also went on a ghost tour down into the dark depths of the vaults in the heart of Edinburgh. My little sister would have loved it, unfortunately for the group of us who went we thought it was more funny and entertaining then scary. Oh well I like hearing all the stories, and seeing all the parts of Edinburgh.

Thursday was recovery day from all the Scottish beer we drank. We even tried Cider, which I recommend to no one. EWWWWWW.

Friday we went on a Haggis tour, it was a one day tour into the Highlands. We saw 2 lochs (and learned how to pronounce the work loch), one of the lochs was Loch Tay, and I can't remember the other. We saw some awesome scenery as we got into the highlands. There is actually a bumpy part of road that you go over as you cross from the lowlands to the highlands. Our tour guide Ewan was awesome and almost talked the entire time. Despite the fact that we keep going on tours that may tell the same story, we always get different variations which adds to the mystery. I got some really amazing pictures in the highlands and we saw some great sites, I can't wait to get further up to see Loch Ness and the Island of Skye.

On Saturday we got the ultimate view of the city. It took some climbing but it was well worth it. Our goal was to climb up to Arthur's seat, this is a volcano that is over 1000 feet high. Things started off alright until we realized that we'd climbed the wrong mountain. Nonetheless it was quite a view. So down we went and up the other, from far away it looks as though they are connected but they are not. Now from the way that we went, which because we went from the way of the other mountain was not the proper way, was a bit difficult. Getting to the very top is a bit of a thrill, as it is pretty steep, and the path is not all that proper. But worth it all the same.
We were surprised how busy it was and how many kids we running, yes running, around up there. While we were worried about falling over the edge people were practically having picnics up there. Dogs were dashing all over, one man was even carrying a newborn. It was great.
On the way down we passed the ruins of an old church. Being so high up, going to church really was a hassle, no wonder attendance was low. From there we went to the bottom and took a nice walk around the pond, where there were ducks and swans. It was all very pretty.

Sunday is when the plaguette hit, I could feel it coming on but I tried to deny it. Sunday, and Monday especially, there was no denying it. Monday was the worst of it, I woke up and I could barely breathe, I spent the night trying to find a position that would not make me start having a coughing fit. Needless to say I spent most of the night having a coughing fit. I took a dead day Monday, and unlike Cheryl who has had the plaguette going on 2 weeks now, I seem to be getting over it.

Today, Tuesday, we went on a free walking tour with Haggis. We just went around the city, hearing more stories about the history, and extended versions of ones we'd already heard. A book I'm really interested in getting now is on the stone of destiny, and all the myths behind it. It is quite an interesting stone!! Well not the one on display at least, but the real one. That's a story for another day though isn't it.

We finally start work tomorrow. We'll be getting our uniforms. That's still about all we know. Hopefully we'll know more after tomorrow. Hopefully.

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Stupid Me

Ok so I'm going to continue the story that I couldn't before. The problem is this time I have a few pints in me. Note this isn't for the squeamish.

So last night our roommate comes in around 3:00 in the morning, no problem there, but then not an hour later she starts to make this funny noise, sort of like hacking. And then suddenly I hear the sound of her puking. Great, just great. Luckily her bunk is across the room, I ask if she is alright after 5 minutes of this and offer her some water, she says she is fine, starts apologizing so I go back to sleep, trying not to think about the puke either on the floor or in the trash can...hoping desperately for the later.

Morning comes and as I get out of bed I peek around the corner of my bed to where her bunk is. Oh and what do I see to my surprise, something wet on the floor. Before I care to investigate further I get out of there and tell Cheryl about all that she slept through. On my way to breakfast, which I no longer felt like, I told the front desk about the situation so they could clean it up.

Breakfast came and went, and alas it was time to return to the room. This time I ventured another look. When I did I was embarrassed to note that she had simply spilt some water. She was awake and explain (and apologized again) that she had had a coughing fit. Oops my mistake.

Today we went to the Dynamic Earth exhibit which is something that is more suitable for kids. Then we walked around and decided to go and see a movie. Children of Men. It was good, if you forget about the half hour of commercials and previews before it. I enjoyed it. We may have done something else but it's Thanksgiving and my first attempt to have Haggis has failed so I'm going to bed.

What I forgot to talk about yesterday...

So in all the excitement of getting a job and finally being able to upload some of my pictures, I forgot to write about what I did yesterday.

To start off the day Cheryl and I went to see the Edinburgh castle, something it can be argued we should have done when we first got here. The best part about our tour of the castle was that it turned out to be free and we didn't have to wait in the huge line up to get tickets. How did we do that you ask? Well it just so happened that a man had brought a tour group of execs or something and not all of them had come so they had spare tickets which he then gave to us. So along we went free tickets in hand bypassing all of the people standing in the cold waiting to pay money. Oh and was it cold, I wore my toque all day. I felt very Canadian.

The castle was lovely, we took a guided tour around from a man with pink eye and veins popping out all over his face, charming really. He was funny and despite the cold we had a good time. How could we not, we could see all of Edinburgh from there.

After we had some lunch we then went to Mary King's Close. By far this is the best tour I've been on since our stay. We got to go under the city to see the way people lived before. It was dark, smelly and creepy as hell. I loved it!! Our tour guide was funny too which made it better. He kept scaring the crap out of us too by stomping on the floor.

Well I have more to tell but I've run out of time to tell it so I guess you will have to wait.

Saturday, October 7, 2006

Pictures And A Job!!

So I got the job that I applied for yesterday!!! I'm now going to be working for BLEEP, serving food on the trains. I get my uniform on Monday. OOO I'm excited.
I'm finally somewhere I can upload some pictures, so here goes...
These first three pics are from London, while standing on the upper part of the tower bridge. I tried to do a panoramic kind of thing.

The next photos are from our climb up the Monument. 311 steps, very very little steps that sprial and are very steep. That was fun!! We got a certificate at the end!!!

View from the very windy top...

The last picture that I have time to post is from the hike I took. I found this structure in the middle of a forest. It was really cool, very storybook like with ivy growing on the walls.

Alright hopefully I'll have time to post more later. Cheers!!!

Friday, October 6, 2006

Job Interview Today!!!

So today I had a job interview. Yesterday I applied, and today I got a call for the interview. The interview went really well. The job is for onboard staff for BLEEP trains. This means I get to travel across Scotland for free. Ooo don't forget the uniform, one of the men in the interview comment on how smart they were. Um huh, well at least it means I won't have to buy more clothes for work. I do believe that I will have to wear a skirt though. Uh oh that could be trouble. And they have a hat too, a very interesting looking hat. Oh well it sounds like lots of fun.

Yesterday was an interesting day. It was laundry day and I of course am a complete moron and what should have taken me an hour at most to do took me up to 2 hours. So what did I do to take so long your wondering??? I forgot to push the button when I closed the dryer so I ended up sitting there while my clothes were not drying. Best part about it was by the time I figured it out my time had almost run out and I had to go and buy another token. Fantastic. On the plus side I got a lot of my book finished!!! It's a really good book too. I haven't been able to get into reading because of all the excitement but this allowed me some Sarah time.

Another feature of the hostel that I really like, besides the dryers (yeah right), and the amazingly creamy Scottish beer, is the movie room. This room has the most amazing hammock like seats. They are so comfy everyone just sits in there despite the crappy movie playing, just so that they can relax. There is a downside to this movie room though, as Cheryl and I have discovered. While Cheryl went to see what movie was coming on next I went into the room to have a seat. Problem being, because there was no movie it was very dark in there. After a good look around the room I chose to sit in the back and went to the 2nd seat in put my stuff down and turn to sit. Now for some reason the man sitting in the chair said nothing until after I had sat on him. Now I don't know if he was sleeping or if he didn't see me, all I know is that I did not see him at all, until he opened his mouth to smile at me though. Feeling terribly embarrassed I sat in the seat beside him to try and make it like my butt just went a little too far, but it was too funny to contain so I went outside to find Cheryl and tell her.

After we had a good laugh, we both went in, her leading the way. Now when I saw her going towards that back row I thought of saying something but I wanted to see if it had just been me or if this guy really was invisible. I went and sat in the next row, and Cheryl went on to sit on the invisible man. Now for those of you who may be doubting that this truly was the invisible man, let me tell you...Half way through the movie a girl came in and sat on him again. In any case, the guy wasn't complaining.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Things are looking up

So yesterday I had a me day and it was amazing. I walked around the new hostel, which upon re-evaluating, we have decided is really very nice. The only problem with it is that it is out of the way but there is a shuttle available. So back to my walk. It was a five hour affair and I went far. I started off walking along the water, and then on the first leg of the walk I ventured into a forest and found some ruins. Upon further investigation I discovered a church that was built ontop of a Roman fort, so my only guess is that the two may be connected. The ruins that I found in the forest were pretty old and had trees all over the inside. The next part of my walk took me through a suburban area of Edinburgh but eventually lead me to a trail called the Almond River Trail which took me along a very pretty trail along a creek where I saw pheasants running around and ducks swimming in the water. It was very quite and peaceful there. I stopped along the way at a little cafe and had some pea soup. I was the only customer and a guy about my age was the only member of staff. We had a nice chat while I ate my soup and I think I'm going to go back there for some homemade ice cream, (and on the chance that he'll be there again!!!). Along the way back I stopped along the water by my hostel and got my feet wet. It was great!! I couldn't think of anything else I would have rather been doing on a Tuesday afternoon. Today was back to reality though, I hit the pavement looking for a job. I have no idea where I want to work so I intend on applying everywhere, seeing what I like and working where I want. When people ask me what I want to do I say that I want to work with people. That narrows it down a little, eh?

I don't know what I like better about this trip, the things I am seeing or the people I am meeting. Although it seems as though everyone is either from Canada or Australia. I really like it here and so far it's so pretty I could see myself living here forever.

Monday, October 2, 2006

I left my brain behind...

Ok so today we moved to a new hostel. Had it not been for our previous living conditions I may have first noticed the beauty of the location, but considering the stressful day I have had it was lost on me. The first thing we see when we walk into the room, which we had high hopes for, was another tiny room with too many bunk beds shoved into it AND other girls clothes literally ALL OVER THE ROOM. After the day we've had the rage inside me is great. I really was looking forward to a room with more privacy and more room, as was advertised. I have to admit though looking outside the rage does subside. It's really pretty, and on the water. I think that tomorrow I am going to rent a bike and ride around the trails. Looking back on it, it really isn't all that bad, I think that my mood was spoiled when 5 minutes before the van (advertised as a bus) came to pick us up it started to POUR, buckets. On top of that we could barely fit our cases in the van.

I shouldn't complain yesterday was a good day. We slept in (10 o'clock has become really late for us). Then we took a hop on hop off bus tour around Edinburgh to get more oriented with the city, and then we took a look around the National Art Gallery, which was free!!! They were close to closing so we didn't get the full appreciation, and I know we'll be back.

Oh and the best news is that we finally got our cellphones to work so we called home!!!
That's all for now that I can remember.